Green Cleaning
Green Products   +
Green Practices   +
To improve health and indoor air quality (beyond the low-VOC, low-toxicity, pH neutral products we use) we use HEPA filtration vacuums and wipe instead of dusting; traditional dusting practices just redistribute the dirt. We use ergonomic equipment to reduce worker fatigue and strain.

In addition to helping clients with their own recycling programs, we have an in-office recycling program for paper, plastics, cans, toner cartridges and electronics. In our own offices, we use recycled trash bags and paper products with a high percentage of post-consumer materials. We've reduced our paper use and trash production by encouraging electronic supply tracking and ordering, reuseable inspection reports, and electronic billing and payment options for our customers and vendors.

We support the Green Supply Chain concept, choosing vendors who are committed to Green Practices in production, manufacturing and distribution. We purchase our electricity from renewable resources through PNM's SkyBlue program.
Green Principles   +
Our Green Principles begin with health- the health of our employees and of the workers in the buildings we clean. This leads us to use safe products with no toxic side effects, and to do all that we can to improve indoor air quality. Reducing the acute and chronic impacts of our chemicals and practices is the most important part of our Green Program.

Beyond immediate health effects, we strive to reduce the residual impact of our chemicals and practices on the environment, and to develop and assist our clients with recycling programs. And we try to make our own company's impact on the environment as small as possible.

A third Green Principle is that we try to reduce the impact of production and transportation of our chemicals, products and equipment. We support the Green Supply Chain concept, and we partner with vendors who also support Green Principles in their production and transport operations.
Green Tools   +
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Vacuums not only remove dirt from the carpets, but can actually clean the air passg through them, filtering particles as fine as .3 microns, improving indoor air quality and trapping dust and pollen.
Microfiber flat mops use less water and chemicals, reduce worker fatige, and remove more dirt than regular mops. They can also fit into tight spaces that string mops can't reach.
Spray bottles can replace aeresol cans, reducing the amount of propellants released into a building's air. Reusable bottles also reduce waste (no can to dispose of) and allow the use of concentrates that are diluted as needed.
Microfiber Cleaning Cloths clean exceptionally well, often with less chemicals, or with plain tap water, or even dry. They can be used for dusting as well as wiping, replacing feather dusters that sometimes just moved the dust around.
Dual bucket mop systems reduce water and chemical use and get floors cleaner, with much less residual dirt. They also reduce worker injuries by speading the weight of the water over two containers.
Matting systems keep most dirt outside the building and trap the rest of it in thier fibers, keeping the building cleaner and reducing the wear and tear on carpets and tiled floors.